Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Letter To Santa

christmas letter to santa

Around this time of year my children start mentioning items that they want (thank you commercials!). I always tell them to ask Santa for it. Then after a few times I start telling them to just add it to their list (meaning list to Santa). I finally got smart after a few years of trying to keep this “list” in my head and totally forgetting items. Then, we’d hurriedly write a list one day (which is really only what they could think of that moment and not what they really wanted), to mail off to Santa. How I got smart was to finally make up a cute blank list to print up and hang on the fridge for my kids to add to their list when inspiration strikes. I thought I would share it with you. We have already printed ours out and have our lists on the fridge. This is also helpful for when friends and family ask what my kids would like.

Just so you know, when it is closer to Christmas I actually print another one out and have the kids write their actual Letter To Santa on this. Always remember to have the kids also add the date and their age to these letters. You think you will remember, but I never can remember which year that letter went with exactly!


Heartfelt and Handmade Holidays

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